Mr. John Webster

Welcome to a new school year. There have been a number of exciting changes to the school and to grade 8.
I have been a teacher for a number of years, and prior to coming to Summitview, I administered four other schools. I have taught grade K- 2nd year university, with my area of expertise being Socials Studies (History and Geography), woodworking, outdoor ed, and forestry. I have two children of my own, Richard and Elizabeth.
Outside of school, I spend much of my time coaching students. From September through to May, I can be found at the pool coaching members of the Otters Swim Team. From December through April, I coach at Marmot Basin for the Jasper Ski Team. This year, I will be back coaching the Eagle's Golf Team. Stay posted for dates, as we will likely be playing in three tournaments this year. The golf team is open for students in grade 7 and 8 as well as those grade 6 students who have demonstrated a good understanding of the sport and the endurance to walk 18 holes.
I use the school website ( to post copies of work and textbooks so as to avoid the problem of forgetting stuff at school. As well, the website as a listing of upcoming events on the calendar.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at school (827-3820) or by e-mail