Summitview 2020-2021 Re-Entry Plan

Welcome Back Summitview Parents, Students and Staff! Follow the link to read the full plan here--
We are looking forward to seeing our students again on September 8th! Staff are in the school next week for three days to plan and prepare for a safe re-entry that will allow us to support student learning and provide the best experience possible.
Attached you will find our re-entry plan. Please read it in detail to have the best understanding of the changes that will be in place and the steps that we are taking to ensure student and staff safety.
I want to take a few moments to highlight a few aspects of what the new school year will hold.
- Mask use will be mandatory in all situations where two meters of space is not possible.
- No sports or extracurricular activities will be held at this time. This may change as the year progresses.
- Food deliveries will not be allowed in the school. The vending machine will not be used and there will be no microwaves available. Pack a lunch that can be eaten in class and use a thermos if you want to provide a hot meal for your child.
- If you need to pick up your child or deliver a forgotten item please call from the parking lot and we will send your child out.
- We are strongly encouraging students to bring a Chromebook or a computer or device of some kind as part of their school supplies. Class sets of Chromebooks will not be used. Individual Chromebooks will be available on a limited basis.
- Parents will only be allowed to come to the school by appointment. If you need to contact with a concern please email or call to set up a meeting. Phone calls and virtual meetings will be used for most meetings.
- Let us know as soon as possible if you are accessing Virtual Education. Virtual Education will be offered using ADLC programming supported by ADLC teachers and TLC teachers by appointment only.
- No one should come to school if they have COVID-19 Symptoms.
- If your child has symptoms related to allergies or a pre-existing medical condition they should be tested at least once before returning to school and have a negative COVID-19 test result. Use the link AHS Online Self-Assessment Tool. These symptoms would be their baseline health status. As long as the cough or runny nose is always the same and does not get worse, the student can attend school. Talk to us about your child’s pre-existing medical condition so the school may keep a confidential record of this condition.
- If a student develops symptoms while at school, they will wear a mask and be isolated in a separate area where they will be physically distanced from other people by a distance of two metres. Parents will need to pick up their child immediately. It is asked that parents arrange for COVID-19 testing AHS Online Self-Assessment Tool.
Take a look at this GET THE FACTS: BACK TO CLASS FOR 2020–21 info sheet if you are looking for more information.
Our re-entry plan is attached to this email and you will also find the link to the document on our website here.
If you have asked to be part of the virtual learning for this year you will be signed up with ADLC and you will be contacted prior to school starting.
We are looking forward to this new school year with everything that it may bring. We will stay flexible and adaptable throughout the year with our goal being to provide a safe experience while providing the best education possible.
Yours in Education
John Hammer
Principal, Summitview School